28 April 2012 should be like any other weekend for people living and working in KL but it will be an unwelcoming day. Why? Well,because Bersih 3.0 will be holding a sit and protest rally to the Election Commission for a fair and clean election. The venue for this rally is The Merdeka Square,Kuala Lumpur.
The Merdeka Square (Independence Square or Dataran Merdeka) is situated in the centre of the city. It's close to the Gombak river, the Masjid Jamek, Central Market and China Town. It's the core of KL's history.
Surrounding the square are many buildings of historical interest including the Royal Selangor Club Complex which is situated on one side of the square, the Sultan Abdul Samad Building, the National History Museum (formerly the Chartered Bank Building) and the Memorial Library, a building dating back to 1909, St. Mary's Anglican Cathedral, a Gothic style building which is more than a hundred years old, the original Kuala Lumpur Railway Station (next to the Sultan Abdul Samad Building), the 102-year old Sanitary Board fountain and the impressive Dayabumi Complex.
A 95-meter flagpole, one of the tallest in the world, marks that spot with a flat, round black marble plaque. It is located at the southern end of the square.
Now,Bersih 3.0 is protesting to the Election Commission for a fair and clean elections,right? Well,the Election Commission Head Quarters is not located anywhere around Merdeka Square.So why have a rally at a place not relevant to Bersih 3.0 cause but is seen as more to create problem to people living and working in KL. Why not rally at Election Commission HQ instead? Why choose a place that is surrounded by historical buildings that will cost millions to restore if it's damaged because of this rally.
What guarantee do Bersih 3.0 gives to ensure that their rally will not turn into a riot? I'm sure a lot of people living in KL is unhappy with Bersih 3.0 decisions to hold their rally a Merdeka Square,who can ensure that these unhappy people would not act to respond to Bersih 3.0 act in disrupting their lives?
The Royal Malaysian Police already say they will not get involve in Bersih 3.0, I can understand why as Bersih 2.0 cost the PDRM millions of RM and this is money wasted on something that does not benefits anyone. Government money should be spend on a lot of things that give benefits to the people but not this.
Malaysians participating in Bersih 3.0 is also participating in tarnishing the country image to the world. This act will only distort our economic growth, our tourist visits, our foreign investors but it will not affect the Election Commission in any way whatsoever. It's not relevant to EC but relevant to working Malaysians and also to our foreign investors who is operating in KL especially within the Merdeka Square area.
Just one stupid act can turn a supposed peaceful sit and protest rally into a riot.
4 weeks ago