Malaysia 6th Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak has started "Change or Be Changed" campaign in style when he was sworn in as Prime Minister yesterday -3/4/2009.
The last few sentence from his maiden speech to Malaysian as our country Prime Minister give us hope and promise but the most important part of this is to deliver what was promise.
The release of ISA detainees and the lifting of banned for 2 Political Party papers shows that he is committed to make changes that Malaysian has been demanding. The promise to relook and study on ISA will bring confidence from the people but these are all still promises and what Malaysian wants to see is deliverance of what was promised. I remember Pak Lah also made similar promises to change and reform but delivers very little and his performance on my account as Malaysian 5th Prime Minister is also not good at all.
"So today I ask you to join me in this task of renewing Malaysia. I urge us to rise to the challenge of building a One Malaysia. People First. Performance Now".
"Let us begin this great journey together." - Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak
I support One Malaysia, One Bangsa as this is the only way forward for our country, there's no other way. The sooner we realize this, the better we are equiped to face future challanges and to continually grow.
Let us hope and pray that Datuk Seri Najib will be the ONE to take our country to greater heights in all aspect let if be economic, social or political. Stability can only be achieve without discrimination. When all races works together, then and only then we will see real progress and success be achieve by our country.
4 weeks ago